Pharmacists in Yorkshire urged not to provide smoking service until fees improve

Pharmacists in Yorkshire urged not to provide smoking service until fees improve

Community Pharmacy South Yorkshire (CPSY) has urged contractors in Sheffield, Doncaster and Barnsley not to provide varenicline as part of a stop smoking service until South-West Yorkshire Trust (SWYT) increases their remuneration fees.

CPSY went on the offensive over what it claimed was the Trust’s refusal to listen to its plea not to proceed with the drug’s supply using a patient group direction from pharmacies until the “matter of fees is resolved”.

Pharmacies in Doncaster are paid £15 and those in Barnsley and Sheffield £20 for the initial supply of varenicline. There is a £3 fee for follow-up supplies in Doncaster and £2.50 in Barnsley and Sheffield.

In a communication to contractors last week, CPSY “strongly” advised contractors not to sign up to the varenicline PGD element of the stop smoking service level agreements (SLAs) or attend training for it.

CPSY: It’s ‘highly likely’ you’ll provide service ‘at a loss’

It warned contractors it was “highly likely” they will provide the service “at a loss” if they sign up to the SLA “with the current fees”.

CPSY accused the Trust of ignoring its concerns about the impact inflationary pressures, rising national living wage contributions and “the cost of providing a pharmacist-led intervention” was having on financially stretched pharmacies.

CPSY also said SWYT issued the new SLA “with the same fee structure that has been in place for several years” despite “extensive discussions and negotiations” on the service.

“We requested that SWYT exclude the varenicline element from the current SLA until an agreement on fees had been reached,” CPSY said.

“They have gone against this advice and issued SLAs to contractors in Sheffield and Calderdale (West Yorkshire) already.”

SWYT: Our approach provides ‘value for money’

SWYT told Independent Community Pharmacist: “We have met with representatives from Community Pharmacy South Yorkshire and Community Pharmacy West Yorkshire, and explained how each of our smokefree services are commissioned separately by the local public health teams in each geographical area.

“This means contracts and financial arrangements can differ between areas. All of the contracts are negotiated based on different timeframes with defined budgets and on the specific needs of the local community.”

SWYT said its approach ensures it provides “value for money within the financial boundaries which are set, while maintaining service levels that meet local need.”



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